Joint Press Release of LGBTQI+ organizations | Subject: Violent attack on trans people in the center of Thessaloniki

Our anger overflows regarding the transphobic attack that two young trans people received in the center of Thessaloniki, by a mob of young people. Transgender people were verbally attacked unprovoked in Aristotelous Square at 22:30 by around 100 people who bullied, threatened and verbally attacked trans people with incredible anger. There was a verbal confrontation with the transgender people fleeing … Read More

Agreement with the Social Cooperative Enterprise ForME

Through the mediation of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Greece, Thessaloniki Pride has entered into an agreement with the Social Cooperative Enterprise ForME for the production of the memorabilia for Thessaloniki EuroPride 2024. ForME represents an innovative and alternative cluster structure, which started in 2018 and aims to help women develop their own business as a means of empowerment … Read More

TiDF26 A LESBIAN LIFE + REBEL DYKE presentation panel + screenings

With the support of Thessaloniki Pride – EuroPride 2024 comes an absolutely lesbian night that will deliver us into the magical and subversive world of queer artists. Experiences, stories, and narratives, from individuals with whom we share common experiences, thoughts, identities, who are similar and different from us, and who could be any one of us, express the reality of … Read More

First pre – EuroPride Party

On Sunday 3/3 we will all be at Enola in Thessaloniki, to have fun, dance, and enjoy the impressive drag shows that will take place! The dress code is optionally anything colorful. Come in your best mood! Doors open at 23:30.

Press Release for marriage equality

On February 15, 2024, the Greek Parliament’s approval of marriage equality, with cross-party consensus from the entire democratic spectrum, marked a historic day for the LGBTQI+ community as well as for the parliamentary life of our country. As active citizens, Thessaloniki Pride welcomes this move, congratulates, and thanks all individuals and bodies that worked and supported this reform. With the … Read More

Joint Press Release for marriage equality

February 15th, 2024 marks a historic turning point for the LGBTQI+ movement in both Greece and the entire Southeast Europe, as for the first time, a country in the broader region will institutionalize marriage equality. With this move, hundreds of families that have remained invisible to society and non-existent to the State for so many years are finally legally recognized. … Read More

Trans Day of Remembrance

trans day of remembrance

On the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance for trans individuals who lost their lives last year as victims of extreme transphobic hatred, we reflect on the profound impact of a society and a world that systematically excludes, stigmatizes, and abuses members of the transgender community. Globally, there is an alarming rise in the most horrific manifestation of transphobia—the … Read More

PARTY: The Immersive Pride of Greek Cinema

thess pride tiff

On Thursday 09/11/2023 at 10:00p.m. we unite forces with Thessaloniki International Film Festival and go to Theater Sq. (Ethnikis Aminis 4) to party. Guest Stars: Mystic Van Rouge Raw Bee Candles Katina Bella

Thessaloniki Pride 2023

11th Thessaloniki Pride poster, I belong to me, 19-24 June 2023

11th Thessaloniki Pride I BELONG TO ME In recent times, we have witnessed increasingly ludicrous situations, often the product of imported alt right trends, that attempt to impose restrictions on how we manage our bodies, threatening decades of progress. They want to tell us what gender we are, if and when we’ll have children, if we should gain or lose … Read More