Opening of the Conference

Olympion Hall Aristotelous Sq. 10, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

Moderator: Dr. Kalliopi Chainoglou Associate Professor - Department of International & European Studies, University of Macedonia   Helena Dalli Equality Commissioner, European Commission    Sofia Zacharaki Minister of Social Cohesion & Family   Stelios Angeloudis Mayor of Thessaloniki    Jean-Marc Berthon French Ambassador for the Rights of the LGBT+ people  Jean-Marc Berthon was appointed ambassador for the rights of LGBT+ ... Read More

Achieving Marriage Equality in Greece and Europe: Best Practices of Advocacy, Resilience and Policy Changes

Olympion Hall Aristotelous Sq. 10, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

Moderator: Triantafyllia Lina Papadopoulou Professor – Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki   Wim Geerts Ambassador of Human Rights of Netherlands Biography: 2023 - present Human Rights Ambassador  2019 - 2023 Ambassador to China and Mongolia   2016 - 2019 Secretary General of Defence  2013 - 2016 Director General Political Affairs 2008 - 2013 Ambassador to Canada 2006 - 2008 ... Read More