5 movies by TaF (Thessaloniki Animation Festival)

CINE ALEX Olimpou 106, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

1. AIKĀNE, animation A valiant island warrior, wounded in battle against foreign invaders, falls into a mysterious underwater world. When the octopus who rescued him transforms into a handsome young man, they fall in love and an epic adventure begins. 2. Cruising Tales In India, documentary 3. Ce fruit, animation 4. Prisoner Of Society, documentary Prisoner of Society is an ... Read More


3 movies

Cineplexx GR Giannitson 61 & Koletti 34, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

1. Overcoming, documentary + q&a On the 20th anniversary of the opening of crossing points, OVERCOMING tells the inspiring story of Cypriot women, queers, and antimilitarist cismen challenging militarism and gender norms. Through diverse interviews, the film explores how the opening and closing of the checkpoints, as the sole passageways between north and south, have impacted the lives of Cypriots ... Read More


Free Screening of the film “Port Authority” by Danielle Lessovitz

Cinema with a view 25 Martiou Str., Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

Port Authority (USA-France, 2019) Direction: Danielle Lessovitz. Language: English. With Greek subtitles. 94΄. Port Authority bus terminal is a grim place, inundated with have-nots and transients who first experience the notorious Big Apple cruelty. Paul, a youngster from Pittsburgh, is looking to start over, but his hopes disintegrate, as his stepsister Sara -whom he has never met in person- doesn’t ... Read More

“Cetus” [GR]

Garden Theatre Tsimiski 153, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

“ΤΟ ΚΗΤΟΣ” ΣΥΝΤΕΛΕΣΤΕΣ:  Κείμενο : Βαγγέλης Ρωμνιός Σκηνοθεσία-Ερμηνεία : Ευάγγελος Βογιατζής Στίχοι-Μουσική: Σταμάτης Κραουνάκης Κίνηση: Φωκάς Ευαγγελινός Σκηνικό – Κοστούμια : Χριστίνα Κωστέα Video Art : Xsquare Design Lab Φωτισμοί : Σεμίνα Παπαλεξανδροπούλου Sound Design : Αντωνία Βλάχου Voiceover recording / editing : Ηλίας Χατζόγλου. Κατασκευή κοστουμιών: Χάρης Σουλιώτης Συνεργάτις Σκηνοθέτις: Κατερίνα Αγγελίτσα Δραματουργική επεξεργασία κειμένου : Σπύρος Μπέτσης Φωτογραφίες ... Read More


6 movies by TaF (Thessaloniki Animation Festival)

CINE ALEX Olimpou 106, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

1. Best Grandfather In The World, animation Animated documentary about the childhood memories of the protagonist Felix, about his very close relationship with his grandfather and how everything changes when the grandson decides to come out as gay. 2. Nazaria. Book 5: The Third Gender, documentary We don't have a choice on how we are born. We can't choose anything ... Read More


1 movie

Cineplexx GR Giannitson 61 & Koletti 34, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

ORFEAS 2021 Queeropera The struggles of Orfeas, the first gay prime minister of Greece, against a history of oppression in the "land of heroes." The first queer opera in Greek is a post-modern sci-fi experimental work, oscillating between baroque melodrama, DIY collage, post-internet and VR/AI aesthetics. The film is dedicated to the memory of activist Zackie Oh!  


Free Screening of the film “A Woman’s Way” by Panos H. Koutras

Cinema with a view 25 Martiou Str., Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

A Woman's Way (Greece, 2009) Direction: Panos H. Koutras. Language: Greek. With English subtitles. 113΄. Forty-eight-year-old Yorgos is released from prison, after a 15-year sentence for a murder he committed in his native village. He spends his first night of freedom at a cheap hotel in the center of Athens, where he meets a transsexual prostitute named Strella. They sleep ... Read More

“Strakastroukes” [GR]

Garden Theatre Tsimiski 153, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

“ΣΤΡΑΚΑΣΤΡΟΥΚΕΣ” του Δημήτρη Σαμόλη   Τρίτη 25/6 Στο Θέατρο Κήπου Ώρα έναρξης: 21.30 Ελεύθερη Είσοδος   ΣΥΝΤΕΛΕΣΤΕΣ:  Κείμενο - Ερμηνεία - Τραγούδια: Δημήτρης Σαμόλης Σκηνοθεσία: Μάριος Κακουλλής Σκηνικά - Κοστούμια: Λουκάς Μπάκας Φωτιστικός σχεδιασμός - Δραματουργία: Στέφανος Δρουσιώτης Μουσική: ECATI Βοηθός σκηνοθέτη: Δανάη - Αρσενία Φιλίδου Φωτογραφίες: Ελίνα Γιουνανλή Graphic design: Μιχάλης Δέμελης Βίντεο: Θωμάς Παλυβός Social media: Ad4Art - ... Read More


Human Rights Conference

Olympion Complex, Olympion theatre (Ground floor) Aristotelous Sq. 10, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece

With the support of the Thessaloniki International Film Festival. For details refer to: Human Rights Conference Program