“Balkan Pride I” was a project whose main idea was to gather LGBTI organisations in the Balkan region and promote the idea of the Pride event and its potential for improving the livelihood of LGBTI population in this region. It included 3 capacity building activities and 1 international coordination meeting, aiming at making the partner and the associated organisations strong enough to build up their capacity, be able to carry out an effective and sustainable Pride festival and become a responsible and active member of the network for an eventual Balkan Pride festival in the future.

– Training course “Human rights of LGBT people in the Balkan: human rights framework, history, and current trends”, Skopje, 6-10 March 2016
– Training course “Communication and advocacy in LGBTI activism”, Thessaloniki, 25-30 June 2016
– Training course “Mobilising community through volunterism”, Novi Sad, 17-24 September 2016
– International Coordination Meeting Albania, Tirana, 14-17 November 2016
“Balkan Pride I” was funded by Erasmus+ (Key Action 2) and it was implemented by group COME OUT (Novi Sad) in partnership with LGBTI Pride organisers from all Balkan countries.